Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas!

A few days ago, Mom thought it wasn't so merry when she had the flu....the kind that keeps you in the litter box! She thought she had food poisoning until, in the spirit of Christmas, she shared it with the big guy at home...... He's not to happy about this sharing stuff...he'd rather get other kinds of presents. Because Mom was sick, Sunday, she missed going to Auntie Robin's Craft Room Warming! Auntie R sent some photos of the room which opened to rave reviews! The room is 12'x20', with no wasted space as you can see. I am going to try this new thing where you can see a slide show, so let's see if it works! If not, I'll post the photos in another post.

Stay warm, be good, have a great holiday, we hope Santa can fit down your chimney!

Mittens and Peachy

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