Saturday, February 16, 2008

Photos from CHA!

Finally, even though Auntie M had MAJOR computer problems, she and Auntie R sent us some photos they took at CHA. Mom has ordered the board and all of the supporting stamps from Northwoods Stamps. One of the things they were looking for was masculine themed stamps and they thought this group was perfect. It should ship at the end of March so we will have it in plenty of time for Father's Day.

Here is a card done with stamps from the Thomas Kincaide line. He is the famous artist whose paintings feature light. Cornish Farms Stamps have lots of his paintings translated into stamps. This one was colored with chalk. They also look beautiful just stamped in colored ink. As soon as we get all of the catalogs from this company, Mom will place an order.

Check back soon to see more photos from CHA. Mom and the Aunties are recuperating. Maybe after this weekend they will be almost normal! Almost!

Hugs and Pets! ......Mittens

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